County team


Girlguiding Wirral is a charity managed by a Board of Trustees led by the County Commissioner. Our trustee board is made up of the County Commissioner and the 9 Division Commissioners, who each represent the guiding members of their areas of the county. The additional trustees are lead volunteers who have responsibility for key guiding areas including Guiding Development, Finance, Outdoors and Hadlow.  

The role of the Board of Trustees is to make sure we use our resources in the best possible way to deliver our guiding vision and mission on Wirral. Our Trustees meet at least four time a year. At each meeting they look at how we are meeting the aims in our strategic plan, how we are spending the charity’s money and emerging issue for the charity. The trustees use their broad range of skills and experience to lead Girlguiding Wirral and shape its future. 

Lead Advisers

We have a team of highly experienced and skilled lead advisers covering abroad range of areas;

  • Chair of Finance & Property – leads a team looking after the charity’s finances
  • Chair of Guiding Development – leads the team of trainers and mentors to help volunteers to learn new skills
  • PR Adviser – oversees how we grow guiding via our social media channels, the website, and how we promote our guiding values internally and externally.
  • Chair of Hadlow Fields – leads the team to manage and develop our county outdoor centre
  • Outdoor Adviser – leads a team of advisers covering walking and water activities, camping and residential to international experiences.

The links on the righthand side of this page provide you with more information on how these key advisers can support you on your guiding journey.   

Trainers & Mentors

Lead by the Chair of Guiding Development we have a team of dedicated trainers who support our volunteer leaders to gain essential knowledge and to develop new skills enabling them to deliver the guiding programme to our members. 

Our mentors play a vital role in supporting new volunteer leaders and commissioners as they continue to expand their guiding roles.