

*New September challenges*

Make the most of the sunny evenings and try photographing the sunset. Look at the different clouds as the light hits them.    Collect fallen leaves and create pictures with them. 


December challenges

  • It is the time of year that an elf reappears in many houses. Make a photo collage of what your elf gets up to over the next few weeks. Maybe your Unit has an elf?
  • Make Christmas cards for a local care home or hospice.
  • Make decorations for your meeting place, you could create your own Christmas trail for other Units who meet at the same location to do.
Photograph challenge

Challenge your girls to take photographs of different things, it can be anything from their pets, happy place, favourite teddy, selfie with your guiding friends in uniform.  In order to complete the challenge Rainbows take 3 photos, Brownie 5 photos and Guides and Rangers 8 photos.


Tree challenge

Take bark rubbings from three different types of tree, collect stray leaves, bark or twigs and make a sculpture.

Once completed take your results to your unit team.



Watch out over the next couple of months for information on how to obtain your 2022 Wirral Challenge badge.

Take a look at some more sections and activities below: